Thursday, May 7, 2015

25 Things

For my twenty-fifth birthday, I thought it would be fun to compile a list of 25 things about me. Making lists is one of my favorite things, so this is a treat in itself! It’s silly and fun, but so are the best things in life.

  1. I teach 7th grade language arts, and you wouldn’t believe some of the conversations that I get to have on a daily basis. (I could write a book.)
  2. I’m a chronic “early blinker” driver. It’s an issue. I find myself using my turn-signal at least a half-mile out (if not further in advanced). Sometimes I get embarrassed, so I turn it off, and then I turn it back on. The struggle is real.
  3. I’m a hoarder. I have a hard time throwing things away, but after reading Seven by Jen Hatmaker, I have made a conscious effort to be better. Kev and I have gotten rid of eight FULL totes from our home in the past week!!
  4. Even though I’m an English teacher, I’m not an avid reader. Sure, I enjoy a good book, but I’d rather spend my time doing other things. (oops).
  5. Brian and Katie Torwalt’s album Here on Earth has been playing on repeat for the last few weeks. “I Breathe You In, God” makes me sob. It speaks right to my heart. All of the songs do, but I could repeat these words over, and over, and over again: “When I don’t understand, I will choose you, God.” For we serve a good God who is so, so faithful.
  6. I’m a verbal processor; thus, Kevin is my sounding board. We aren’t planning to have kids for another few years, but we like to talk baby. Kevin is going to be the best dad, and it’s fun to dream about it. Names, nursery, cloth diapers--all talked about. Nothing decided.
  7. I’ve been researching the idea of a capsule wardrobe. It might happen, but I’m nervous. Because, really, 37 pieces in my closet? That’s it? Read more about it here and help me rationalize this:
  8. Group fitness is definitely for me. I’m ridiculously competitive, so when I see some chick in the front of the class doing more burpees than me, I push harder. I wish I had enough self-discipline to push myself on my own, but I don’t. I joined Kosama, and I love it!
  9. Our front porch is my favorite part of our house. I can’t wait to finish staining it and hang my ferns! (Is this a sign I’m 25?)
  10. I’m applying for a counseling and human development graduate program. Classes start next spring. I’m nervous and excited!
  11. I’m an awful golfer, but I really want to be better! I’m a good athlete, but only because I try really hard and hustle. I get frustrated in activities where skill is required and where hustling won’t help me be successful. (Disclaimer: Hustle is involved when I sprint after the ball from the tee box if it’s within fifty yards--mulligan may be my middle name). I hope to practice and improve more this summer!
  12. I’ve only worn dress pants a handful of times in the past two years. (I just got rid of six pair). Colored jeans, dresses, long shirts, and leggings are my jam.
  13. I am a fan of the oxford comma. (clearly).
  14. I love watching Jesus free people from bondage because experiencing this freedom has been so rich in my own life. I find such joy in watching chains break in the name of Jesus.
  15. I drink a gallon of water almost every day. It’s pretty easy considering I have a number of “professional water bottle fillers” at my disposal. My secret? A 32 oz. Bubba with bright-colored, silicone straws and lots of ice to keep my water cold!
  16. Kevin bought a scooter, and we have LOVED having it; however, he is ready to upgrade. My man is now a motorcycle guy. Ha! I’ve never really cared for motorcycles, but now that Kevin is looking to buy one, I need to support him and figure out my style as a “biker chick”
  17. I am a procrastinator. I love to make to-do lists and write down everything that must be done, but the actual “doing” of the task is where I struggle. a lot.
  18. I drive a manual 2002 Toyota Corolla, and as of last week, it just got a MAJOR upgrade! Kevin installed a brand-new stereo system with bluetooth and a usb port--I am smitten! How romantic, right? He even vacuumed and wiped everything clean; it feels like a brand new car!
  19. I spend two nights a week and most weekends coaching a 14s JO volleyball team. I push them hard and give them tough love, but it’s only because I see an unbelievable amount of potential in them. They are hilarious, and they keep me updated on what’s cool and what’s not. (sandals sans socks is NOT cool).
  20. I asked for a succulent plant for my birthday. Once again, a sign of turning 25? Maybe.
  21. Every hot drink I sip must be had in a contigo cup, otherwise the drink gets too cool too quickly. I like my hot drinks to be hot. If my contigo mug isn’t around, I prefer an iced drink. I got it from my mama--we’re heat snobs.
  22. In a recent spring cleaning purge, we came across the Super Nintendo. I played a level of Donkey Kong like a champ finding all the old “secret” tunnels etc. Kevin turned to me and said, “Who are you?!” I smugly smiled and was thankful for my big bro.
  23. Peanut butter + banana toast is my go-to snack, but toasted cinnamon & raisin Ezekiel bread + coconut oil is a close fave.
  24. Instagram is my favorite social media outlet; I love seeing life through pictures.
  25. Being married to Kevin is my favorite thing in life. I love spending my time with him, and I love working side by side to accomplish a task. He is so driven and disciplined, and he is constantly encouraging me in every aspect of my life. He is such a gift, and life with him is so much fun!

Kevin asked me last night what I hoped 25 would bring, and ultimately, I hope it brings change. I love where I’m at in life, but I want to change for the better. I don't want to stay the same. I want to be more like Jesus. That’s the only thing I can hope this year brings. I so desperately want to surrender my bad habits, my bad attitudes, and my sin, and I want to allow Christ to shine fully through me. This year is a gift, and I plan to treat it as such. 

My family, friends, and students have made this day perfect!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Two Years of Marriage

I cannot believe that we’ve been doing married life together for two whole years. I think it feels so strange because it really hasn’t been that long, yet it feels like this is how life has always been--if that makes any sense? I can’t imagine what ten, twenty, and fifty years must feel like being married to your bestie! I can’t wait to find out!

Things I want to remember about our second year:
  1. We bought our first house.
  2. We welcomed our awesome nephew, Max, into the world.
  3. We painted our entire house--with a brush. No rolling. No spraying. Just a bursh. What a loooong process that was/is considering we have to finish things up this spring!
  4. I went to Rwanda.
  5. Kevin changed jobs from Target to The Ransom Church.
    1. AND I only cried ONCE during that budget change meeting!!!  
    2. (Major victory here, people! Milestones must be recorded!)
  6. We got a costco membership. (We like to go on dates there).
  7. We started an FCA Huddle at my middle school.
  8. We play basketball together on Wednesday mornings.
  9. We started going to the chiropractor regularly--neither of us got sick this year! Yay!
  10. We tried to switch to natural deodorant… and are still trying… my armpits stink
  11. We are trying to eat real, wholesome foods that are minimally processed.
    1. Key word here is “trying” --small steps!
  12. We bought a ping-pong table & play often.
    1. I used to be able to beat Kev, and now we’re fairly even--he has a wicked forearm slam!
  13. Kevin finished 12 credits of his Master’s Degree (which get to transfer to seminary!)
    1. Kevin will start online seminary at Indiana Wesleyan University in June.
  14. We got ¼ of a “hipster” cow named Hoover.
  15. We’re getting ½ of a “hipster” nameless pig!
    1. -Kevin says that anything grass fed and raised the “natural” way is “hipster.”
    2. I love him, so I go with it.
  16. We floss & brush together nightly. Strangely, it’s something I look forward every day!
    1. (Kevin flosses more often than I do).
  17. Kevin does most of the laundry. He’s diligent and determined; it’s not for the faint of heart (me).
  18. I usually start getting ready for bed first, but Kevin manages to crawl in bed before me 99.4% of the time. (How does that happen!?)
  19. We don’t have cable, so we hardly watch tv.
  20. We got a roommate, Austin, who brought Netflix to the family.
  21. Thus, we finished the available seasons of Parks & Rec (Netflix).
  22. Kevin is usually in charge of setting up double dates with our friends. He’s good at that connecting thing. He also takes full responsibility and makes his “signature dish” every time we have someone over for dinner. He even cleans the entire house, too! 

I don't think I have ever been more convicted or humbled than I have in this past year. This year has been a year of growth for me personally and for our marriage. We faced a lot of hardships as a couple, and we had to walk through some really tough seasons together. I married a selfless, driven man who stops at nothing to serve me and my needs. I am humbled to be his wife, and I absolutely love being married to this man. I love watching him pursue his dreams. To have married a man who is so generous in forgiveness is beyond me. Kevin is a man who extends more grace than I deserve. He is slow to anger and quick to listen. I married a wise, level-headed man. I laugh every day because of him; he is always making up ridiculous songs, doing funny dances, or speaking in foreign accents.  Sometimes I get a little embarrassed when he shows affection toward me in public, but I am learning to embrace the love that he is choosing to lavish.

We said from the very beginning of our marriage that we would be “honeymooners” for life, and that is exactly what we plan to do! Happy two years of marriage, Kevin! I love you a whole bunch!

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Stop Sinning

We all have crap that we deal with on a daily basis. Hectic schedules, busy families, and a variety of conflicts that seem to plague us from every direction. I mean. We live in a world saturated in sin, and being sinners by nature, we can quickly become submerged.

I have been stuck in the bondage of sin for too long.
I’m currently working through a Beth Moore study right now called Breaking Free, and it is geared toward finding freedom in Christ (something I desperately need). Part of experiencing this freedom deals with examining and breaking any generational bondage or strongholds that have been passed down through the lineage of family. I know the power of generational strongholds, for I have seen firsthand what alcoholism and anger have done to my family. But when my parents became Christians, they worked diligently to change the course of my generation and those to come, and they set a new standard of living for our family--the inheritance I am now experiencing as a daughter of God.

As I prayed through my family’s past to eliminate any chains of bondage remaining, I found myself wishing that I would find my own garbage in the dumpsters of my ancestors. I kept hoping that maybe, just maybe, I would find out that somewhere in my lineage, someone struggled with the same things that I do. At least that would give me an excuse for why I’ve been marred by these sins for years.

I called my mom to find out, and she set me straight.
She said, “Stop sinning.”
And that was that.

I got so blinded in trying to figure out “why” I was having these problems with sin, that I lost sight of the actual problem. I got so caught up in discovering the “root” of my issues, when really, I am making the choice to disobey and sin. I was trying to find a rationale for this cyclical sin that I’ve been clutching onto for so long, that I was relinquishing my control of choice and empowering satan.  (The “why” and the “root” certainly serve great purpose in experiencing freedom in Christ--but for this appointed time--all I needed was for someone to tell me to stop it.)

When you are tempted to fall into the snares of satan, resist.
"No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it." (1 Corinthians 10:13)

God does not tempt us to sin. Satan does. “The enemy, that ancient serpent, has been around a very long time and knows man’s tendencies and vulnerabilities” (Beth Moore). Satan is alive and well, and he knows exactly what he is doing.
"Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour." (1 Peter 5:8)

Every time I give into temptation, I allow satan to have victory over me. I give him a foothold and practically invite him to come back to tempt me again because it’s worked before! I allow him to fill me with doubt and insecurities about my identity in Christ, and I have given him power; however, satan is completely powerless and has already been defeated under Jesus’ feet. (Why do I forget this?!) We are called to live in freedom. We are not called to be slaves of darkness but rather children of light. We need to walk in light, truth, and freedom. We need to stop sinning.
"For freedom Christ set us free. No longer be entangled in a yoke of bondage." (Galatians 5:1)

Jesus promises us that when we confess our sins, He will surely forgive us. This must happen first. We need to fall at the feet of Jesus and confess our sins.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." (1 John 1:9)

This confession is twofold; in James, we also see the command to confess our sins to one another. Speaking our sins out loud to our spouses, our friends, and our families allows us to experience the fullness of the body of Christ. This confession breaks the enemy’s power of shame and secrecy, and it allows fruits of accountability and trust to be built.
"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." (James 5:16)

Just as we are to confess our sins, we are also to relish in victory with these same people when we have overcome the temptation of darkness! Celebrate the moments that you say, “Get behind me satan!” and continue walking in victory through Jesus.

Jesus promises that he will manifest himself to us if we are obedient to His word, and I desperately want this. Don't you?
"Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them." (John 14:21)

I know it’s been a long time since I’ve written. I have been negligent to my voice, and I have allowed the enemy victory over me in my silence. Jesus speaks, and I have quenched his voice--I have allowed my voice and my desires to resound louder than His.

It’s time to stop.